
Re-Connecting people in a creative way..!!
Manjariyaan in Hindi means "bunch of flowers or bouquet of flowers". Flowers are the best way to express feeling of love, gratitude or remorse. Interestingly, there can also be a different meaning of manNjariyaan, “Mann“ that is the heart (here Manaswi) and “Jariyaan” which means a link or a way..!! manNjariyaan- is a way of connecting people’s heart in a unique way..! We live in a digital age of gadgets. Here we have feelings but no time, no way to express ourselves, no creativity to touch the depth of our feelings. This is where manNjariyaan becomes your Jariyaan, your voice to express your feelings of love, gratitude, seeking forgiveness from your loved ones..etc. Here you can simply go with the handwritten letter too…(Language: Marathi, Hindi and English) So what are you waiting for.. Unlock the doors of all your feelings… express all you want to say.. Let manNjariyaan show you the way…!!
Steps to unlock the manNjariyaan:
Step 1: - Send a mail on
Step 2: - Tell me what you want to say and to whom.
Step 3: - Choose the art form from displayed works or can ask for your selected form.
Step 4: - Your are ready to receive the Magic box of an Artwork/handwritten letter which carries your feelings to someone special…!!
Step 5: - One more step…Share your happy faces to us on social media platform.